Thursday, November 15, 2012

New version of InterfaceLIFT Downloader coming soon

I've spent the past few months getting InterfaceLIFT Downloader to work better.  One of things that the addon was pinged on was it's use of innerHTML and non-sanitized text.  I thought I had fixed this a while back but apparently there were a few other parts of code that created the vulnerability.

0.5 was uploaded to Firefox Addons a while back.  It was rejected.  :-(

InterfaceLIFT Downloader was my first venture into the Firefox Addon world.  While I consider myself a JavaScript expert, it turns out creating an Addon comes with it's own set of problems.  First off, you actually have to care about security.  Most of the JavaScript I wrote is for the web and since the browser ultimately decides what is safe and what isn't, I can do whatever I want.  However, this is not the case with Addons.  Addons give you unparalleled power and this power comes with a heavy responsibility.

I've put the finishing touches and will be Alpha testing it on my computer first before submitting it for review.

Also, I am working on a 1.0 version of this addon.  My hope is to have it be a sidebar that can be displayed along side of the InterfaceLIFT website.  Also, assuming that 0.5 gets approved, the addon will be branched to GitHub for easier maintenence.  Tailgate is really for the one-off scripts (e.g. greasemonkey) and not for full-blown packages. The repository is already set up.  Nothing there yet, but will be populated after 0.5 gets approved.