Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Yup, the new facebook broke the autopoke

For those of you that just finished cursing the developers of Facebook for fixing something that wasn't broken, you will soon realize that the new design broke the autopoke.

No worries.  Development has continued.  Hoping to have a fix by the end of the month.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Thanks to Jesse for taking action!

Thanks to Jesse for taking down the offending scripts!

All but one remain so for me the battle has been won.  The author has the right to counter the take-down notice.  He would have to prove that he did not violate the license, which will be difficult since I have screenshots and a diff showing otherwise.

Development on the Facebook Autopoke will continue this week.  I'm hoping to release version 4.1 that will:
  • Correct the reload issue
  • Constantly monitor Facebook for pokes and automatically re-poke them
  • Allow users to take their poke wars with them
  • Easier integration with Chrome (Please note "easier".  I'm still not developing for Chrome.  Just making it easier for others if you want to modify my script)
  • Fix security problems
To be clear: do not be afraid to modify my code.  The problem I had with Tony White was that he just copied the code and called it his own.  Improvements upon my code are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED and do not require permission.  Attribution is always appreciated.  You should note that I still give props to the original creator of the autopoke script, even though my implementation no longer looks anything like his.  (He doesn't work on his poke script anymore.)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Will be patching the innerHTML bug for most popular scripts

I've recently learned that there is a security vulnerability with using the innerHTML method within JavaScript.  I'm still researching this issue.

I'll be releasing patches for the most popular of my scripts sometime by the end of the month.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fighting GPL violators

Being a strong believer in open-source, it gives me no pleasure to find people who violate open source licenses.  Abiding by these licenses are fairly easy and I take a very liberal view of the rights that they protect.

Back in June, I discovered several userscripts that were copies of my Facebook Autopoke script.  While I normally wouldn't have a problem with this, the fact that this user simply copied the script and just pasted his name on it made me pretty angry.  It's one thing to use my script as a bases of a better script.  Even if it's part of a larger work.  But copying the script and just slapping your name on it not only violates the GPL legally, it violates it spiritually.

The GPL was created to foster sharing of thoughts and ideas without fear of stepping on someone's toes.  What this user did was took my hard word and claimed it as his own.

Now, I contacted the Tony White back in May and never received a reply.  So, I contacted and informed them that I had revoked his license, persuant to section 8 of the GPL. The script is still up today.

So until I have this resolved, all work on the autopoke script will cease.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here in the comments.