Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Yes, Virginia, autopoke works again

Still working on the final touches:

Right now, this only works on the pokes app page, as suggested by Lord_Fandomar.

What's left is for me clean up the code and obfuscate parts of the code.  I also plan to make this work on the main page, but it's not a high priority.


  1. Just wanted to say that I am eagerly awaiting the availability of the autopoker. :D

  2. lol, I can't wait for this to work again! My fingers are getting tired of poking.

  3. Looking forward to it! Thanks for all your work!

  4. Looking forward to using this!!

  5. This is an interesting project. Might I share my own version of an Autopoke script? My solution to the problem of the script only working on the Poke page was to asynchronously load the Poke page. I put my script here: http://davidtsai.net78.net/Programming/Facebook_Autopoke
    I apologize if this comment is unwelcome.
